Unreal past condition : To express something that would be true if something happened in the present.  It provides an imaginary result for a given situation.
Form: If + past tense, would + invinitive.
1.      If I met her in the party, I would give her the message.  
I would like to give a message to the woman. I have looked for her in the party but I cannot find her. The Fact is : I do not give a message to the woman and a do not meet her in the party. The time when the speaker say the sentence is in present tense. Meanwhile, the if clause is in the past future tense versus past tense. This means that the condition will not happen although the speaker say the sentence right now.
The sentence I would like to give a message to the woman shows a result
The sentence If I met her in the party shows a condition on which  the result depends.
2.      If I were you, I'd buy a new car.
The fact is : I am not you and I do not buy a new car. The speaker say the sentence at present, but the condition will never occur, so the conditional sentence is in the form of past tense versus past future tense.

The 'if' clause can also be placed at the end of the sentence. In this case, no comma is required.
     They would be rich if he were to invent a new type of battery.
     Angela would be proud if her son got straight As at school.

Unfulfilled Intentions and References
1.      If I had known about the remedial test, I wouldn’t have missed the class.
The fact is, she didn’t know about the remedial test so she missed the class.
The speaker said the sentence in the past while the condition sentence in the form of past perfect future. It means that the condional sentence will never come to the reality. It is just like an imagination.
2.      I would have written the mail, but it was impossible.
Would have refers to past intentions that were not fulfilled.
The sentence means that I intended to write the mail but I did not do it. The speaker imagine what things that he should be done but he did not do it. It is just like a regret about the past. It will never come true because it is only an imagination.
3.      I would rather have gone with you than stay here.
The fact is that I just stay here and do not go with you.
Would rather have refers to past preferences that were not fulfilled.
4.      I could have gone later. (Could have, may have, and might have refers to past possibilities).
It was imposible to go later because I passed the moment. I should go but I did not do that. The writer imagine it would be better if she went, but just stayed and did nothing.
5.      He might have come
The speaker or the writer is uncertain whether the action took place.
The fact the writer did not know if he came or not. He only made a prediction about what had happened with him. The writer wish that he came but in fact he did not come.

Third Unreal  Conditional   with 'WISH'
To express dissatisfaction:
1.      I wish she didn’t (but she does)
2.      I wish she spoke French (but she doesn’t)
3.      I wish she would speak French (but she won’t. She can speak Frech but she refuses to speak French)
4.      I wish I had had more time to study when I was young.
5.      To express Regret (with Past Perfect)
6.      I wish I had studied harder (but I didn’t  and I regret it)
7.      She wishes she had known about the problems. (but she didn’t know the problems)
8.      She wishes she had applied for the bank position. (but she didn’t appliy for the bank position)
9.      She wishes he had been promoted to CEO (but she wasn’t promoted to CEO)
Third Unreal  Conditional
1.      If I had owned a car, I would have driven to work. But I didn't own one, so I took the bus.
2.      She would have traveled around the world if she had had more money. But she didn't have much money, so she never traveled.
3.      I would have read more as a child if I hadn't watched so much TV. Unfortunately, I did watch a lot of TV, so I never read for entertainment.
4.      If they had had the time, they would have attended the meeting.
The Fact: They did not have time so they did not attend the meeting.
5.      If I had known his name, I would have said hello.
The Fact: I did not kow his name so I did not say hello.
6.      If Mary had tried again, she would have been successful.
The Fact: Mary did not try again so she was not successful.
7.      The children wouldn't have been so upset if they had been given the candy.
8.      The Fact: The children was not so upset so they was not given the candy.
9.      If we hadn't bought that car, we wouldn't have gone on vacation.
The Fact: we bought that car so we went on vacation.
B.           Rangkuman III
Second Conditional or Type 2 Conditional
To talk about a present situation which is imposible: a hypothetical situation. The condition can not be fulfilled because  it happened in the past time.
S + (would + verb1) + O, If   S + Verb2 + O

Third Conditional or Type 3 Conditional
To talk about something in the past that did not did not happen. It is unfulfilled conditional in the past.
S + (would have + verb3) + O, If   S + (had +Verb3) + O

C.           Latihan Essay
Put the verbs  in brackets into the appropriate form!
Please identify the fact about the sentence!
1.      He wouldn’t be coming here if he …………….(not want) to.
2.      If you were planning to leave your husband, I …………………. (advise) you against it.
3.      He could be earning lots of money now if he really ……….. (want) to, but I don’t think that’s what he wants.
4.      You can stay here tonight if you …………. (not have) anywhere else to stay.
5.      If I could have phoned you, I …………… (tell) you what was happening)
6.      If you ………………….. (have) any problems, give me a ring.
7.      Fortunately the explosion took place at night when the streets were empty. It …….(be) a disaster if it ………(happen) in the middle of the day.
8.      The talks between the two leaders keep breaking down. If they …….. (break down) again, it is possible that there …………. (be) a war between the two countries.
9.      If Alison …………. (know) anything about car mechanics, I’m sure she ……….. (help) us fix the car, but I think she knows even than we do.
10.  Children spend too much time watching television and playing computer games. I’m sure they …………… (be) happier if they …………(spend) more time playing outside.
Answer Key:
1.      He wouldn’t be coming here if he  did not want to.
Fact: He is  coming here because he wants.
2.      If you were planning to leave your husband, I would advise you against it.
Fact: You do not plan to leave your husband, so I do not advise you.
3.      He could be earning lots of money now if he really wanted to, but I don’t think that’s what he wants.
Fact: He does not earn lots of money now because he does not really want to.
4.      You can stay here tonight if you  do not have  anywhere else to stay.
You do not stay here tonight because you have anywhere else to stay.
5.      If I could have phoned you, I would have told you what was happening)
I did not phone you so I did not tell you what was happening.
6.      If you have any problems, give me a ring.
You do not have problem so don’t give me a ring.
7.      Fortunately the explosion took place at night when the streets were empty. It would have been a disaster if it had happened  in the middle of the day.
Fortunately the explosion did not take place at night when the streets were not  empty. It was not a disaster because it did not happened in the middle of the day.
8.      The talks between the two leaders keep breaking down. If they break down again, it is possible that there will be a war between the two countries.
Fact:  The talks between the two leaders do not keep breaking down. they do not break down again, there is no  a war between the two countries.
9.      If Alison know  anything about car mechanics, I’m sure she  will help  us fix the car, but I think she knows even than we do.
Fact:   Alison does not  know  anything about car mechanics, I’m not sure she  does not  help  us fix the car, but I do not think she does not  know even than we do.
10.  Children spend too much time watching television and playing computer games. I’m sure they  will be happier if they spend more time playing outside.
Fact: Children do not spend too much time watching television and playing computer games. I’m not sure they  are not  happier if they do not spend more time playing outside
D.          Penilaian diri
Put a tick (√) in the box showing how you understand this leson!
1. I know the use of conditional sentence type two and type three, the real fact in life.
 very good
 good
 fair
 less
 bad
Setelah peserta didik  memahami penggunaan conditional sentence type two and type three dengan baik, peserta didik diharapkan bisa menyusun kalimat pengandaian dengan benar dengan  berbagai tema atau topik yang lain.

E.           Latihan PG

F.            Evaluasi
Put the verb in parentheses in the correct tense used in the third conditional.
1. If only I (know) it before I called him a thief.
2. I'd rather you (do) it today.
3. He's acting as if he (be) the most important human being.
4. If possible, I'd sooner she (come) a little earlier.
5. I'm really tired. I'd rather (stay) at home.
6. My parents ask about every detail of my life. I really wish they (stop) doing that.
7. It's about time you (start) learning if you want to pass the exam.
8. It's high time you (realise) there are more important things than football.
9. I'd rather you (not spend) so much money in Greece, but you spent it all.
10. Imagine you (can) have one thing for free, what would it be?
11. Look at this man. He can hardly stand on the ground. He's walking as if he  (be) drunk.
12. Sue lost all the money but she behaves as though nothing (happen).
13. Supposing you (be) offered a well-paid job, would you give up the old one?
14. It's time we (go) home.
15. Suppose you (have) a lot of money, what would you do then?
16.  If they _____ (have) the time, they would have attended the meeting.
17.  Jason _____ (recognize) the winner if he had been told.
18.  If I _____ (know) his name, I would have said hello.
19.  If the president had been informed in time, he _____ (make) a different decision.
20.  If Mary _____ (try) again, she would have been successful.
21.  The children wouldn't have been so upset if they _____ (be give - use passive voice) the candy.
22.  If Jerry _____ (spend) more money on the repair work, it would have worked well.
23.  We _____ (believe) them if they had told us the story.
24.  She would have finished the report on time if she _____ (know) all the facts.
25.  If we _____ (not buy) that car, we wouldn't have gone on vacation.
Put the verb in parentheses in the correct tense used in the third conditional, or sentence with 'wish'.
1.      She _____ (wish) she had known about the problems.
2.      If they _____ (ask) the right questions, they _____ (receive) the right answers.
3.      She wouldn't have been allowed to speak if she _____ (disagree) with his point of view.
4.      I _____ (wish) they had thought twice before doing that.
5.      We wish we _____ (know) about those people.
6.      Alice _____ (not speak) to him if she had been asked ahead of time.
7.      They wouldn't have thought twice about dinner if they _____ (ask) to help out with preparation.
8.      She wishes she _____ (apply) for the bank position.
9.      If I _____ (invest) in Apple, I would have become a millionaire!
10.  Oliver _____ (not know) the answer if you had asked him.
Put the verb in parentheses in the correct tense used in the third conditional.
1.      If they had had the time, they would have attended the meeting.
2.      Jason would have recognized the winner if he had been told.
3.      If I had known his name, I would have said hello.
4.      If the president had been informed in time, he would have made a different decision.
5.      If Mary had tried again, she would have been successful.
6.      The children wouldn't have been so upset if they had been given the candy.
7.      If Jerry had spent more money on the repair work, it would have worked well.
8.      We would have believed them if they had told us the story.
9.      She would have finished the report on time if she had known all the facts.
10.  If we hadn't bought that car, we wouldn't have gone on vacation.
Put the verb in parentheses in the correct tense used in the third conditional, or sentence with 'wish'.
1.      She wishes she had known about the problems.
2.      If they had asked the right questions, they would have received the right answers.
3.      She wouldn't have been allowed to speak if she had disagreed with his point of view.
4.      I wish they had thought twice before doing that.
5.      We wish we had known about those people.
6.      Alice wouldn't have spoken to him if she had been asked ahead of time.
7.      They wouldn't have thought twice about dinner if they had asked to help out with preparation.
8.      She wishes she had applied for the bank position.
9.      If I had invested in Apple, I would have become a millionaire!
10.  Oliver wouldn't have known the answer if you had asked him.

G.     Video